

Weird Phobias

Free The Stan



Colesy's Love Shack


Welcome to My Page!
Hellos my name is Sexy George and I am a big fan of the guy you calls Colesys. I am living in the country of Yemen and I loves him!!!

NEWS FLASH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Stan has been wrongfully arrested on paedophilia charges, click the link to help FREE STAN!!!!!
I made this turkey in prison last Thanksgiving. We fingerpainted the turkey's body with the stickies chocolate pudding. Then the guards let us use real paints for the feathers. Do you like?

My Favorite Things To Do
I likes to eat the cheeses i like all of the products of the dairy. I like to talk to my best friendlies Gordan and Colesy on MSN Messengers

Some of My Favorite People
My favourites peoples are Gordan and Michael Colesy, they help me make photos for my fun.

About Me
After i was wrongly convicted of being a paedophile in 1994 i served 8 years in Jails in the Yemen i only just got out and was reunited with my friendlies and made new friendlies like Michael Colesy. I am now a reformed character and i am a child photographer for a living.